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X - Commuter Mobility

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The Big Picture:

About 38% of CO2-Emissions in Switzerland emanated from traffic alone, according to 2018 data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. Commuting plays an important role, as 71% of employees in Switzerland are working in a different commune as they live – about 4 million people in total. There is a very clear trend upwards compared to only 59% in 1990. Energy-supply-wise, traffic-wise as well as climate-wise this poses an increasing challenge.

The Idea

The Commuter Mobility Matrix Data Set could be a nice opportunity for an interactive visualization. It could also be used for calculating CO2 emissions, for observing particular patterns and hotspots, and for pointing to future bottleneck issues. In combination with other data, the commuter mobility matrix could provide insights linked to public transport or energy vehicles. For example, it could also be used for combining it, with data on energy vehicle charging stations, or even for planning where such stations ideally could be located in near future.


Commuter Matrix, Swiss FSO, Micro-Census

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21.08.2020 15:31 ~ nikki_bhler

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03.03.2020 22:30 ~ Zuzfil


02.03.2020 17:00 ~ oleg

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28.02.2020 09:37 ~ ncaduff


26.02.2020 11:13 ~ nikki_bhler

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25.02.2020 21:50 ~ Vanya87

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09.02.2020 11:52 ~ nikki_bhler


Contributed 4 years ago by nikki_bhler for Energy Hackdays 2020
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