This Challenge was posted 7 years ago



Dataset shared through the Open Knowledge network

↓  Open

1 This dataset provides information on the number of visas issued by the government of India under the e-visa (formerly tourist visa on arrival) programme. Information is gathered from the press releases issued by the government of India on a monthly basis. The reference URL link shall take you to the original press release.

2 The dataset is a joint effort by Natasha Agarwal and Magnus Lodefalk and is a by-product of their initiative on understanding India's visa program.

3 Since the dataset is available for free, all we would ask you to is reference us while using the same. Reference should be "Agarwal, Natasha (2016). Dataset on India's visa program and foreign tourist arrivals in India.

4 All the errors are our own and if you do find discrepancies or errors, please do contact us at

5 The dataset is an ongoing effort and hence we update the dataset as and when there is a press release every month.

6 Variable name "visa isused" in the data sheet refers to "the number of e-visas issued by the government of India"

7 korea refers to the republic of korea (south korea), and russia refers to the russian federation.

8 ISO Codes has been retrieved from (last accessed on 7th September, 2015).

9 We have given the ISO Code for ``Others" as "OTH" as there doesn't exist an official code.

10 Annual/yearly data is from January through December.

Usage terms

This Data Package was made in preparation for the Open Tourism Hackdays, with help from volunteer contributions.

This source data has been obtained with permission to distribute at the event only, and republished here in view of extending the terms of use of the providers Internet sites to include licenses for open data.

You are very much encouraged to try to formulate ideas and create prototypes based on this dataset, in order to create use cases that may lead to opening this data further. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to the data providers or organisers at the Hackdays.

This material is currently sourced from third-parties whose data publishing rights and licensing policies are unclear. If you intended to use these data in a public or commercial product, please make sure you contact the sources for any specific restrictions before republishing.


This Data Package is licensed by its maintainers under the Public Domain Dedication and License.

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