This Challenge was posted 6 years ago



Create customer awareness for a world's first innovation.

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Current State: Collecting organic kitchen garbage is nowadays a challenge due to its missing convenience. Fruit flies, foul odors and garbage juice are mainly the reason why people do not adhere more properly in separating bio waste. Consequently more than 50% of rotting food scraps are disposed via domestic waste channel. This leads to CO2 emission and requires energy for incineration. Finally biogas production sites could benefit of this valuable resource. We believe this needs to be changed.

Value Proposition: While eliminating inconvenience with organic kitchen waste, people adapt more common to sustainable behaviors in collecting biomass.

The Innovation: FreezyBoy is the world’s first sub-zero waste bin that brings full convenience in kitchen garbage handling. It has been designed for maximum energy efficiency. Low running costs, high consumer value.

We developed a complete new platform for the next generation of compact freezer appliances. Our high quality aspiration required to include smart, cutting edge technology. The product was designed to be fully compatible to modern waste systems, which allows to integrate them in every kitchen.

Competitive position and Market readiness: Our product has already a good proven track record for sustainable market success and there is clearly a market for. To drop some milestones.

• Strategic partnership for production with V-ZUG • Production designed for flexible scale up • Swiss market launch in spring 2018, promoted via 160 kitchen studios • More than 1200 pcs. pre-ordered and 500 pcs. delivered, first revenue generated • Biggest crowdfunding to date on a swiss CF platform (2016) • Sustainable business model in place including strategic partnership for distribution B2B • Smart product portfolio, one technology platform multiple product variations • Supply Chain readiness for EU market entry

Challenge: How do we create customer awareness with low startup budget.

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