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My plot in one click

Facilitate access to data of agricultural interest at the plot level

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A (agricultural) plot can be characterised by a wide range of information of interest to the farmer, the agricultural adviser, the municipal technician, the employee of a cantonal service or another professional. This information, many of which is geo-referenced, concerns different aspects of the plot (topography, water, soil, etc.). While much data exists and is accessible online (for example: https://map.geo.admin.ch/), it is often scattered across several sources (websites, servers), requires skills to access it and requires knowledge to interpret it.

The project aims to provide an online tool that can collect data of interest to agriculture, and present them in an easily readable and accessible form. It should facilitate access to data relevant to agriculture that can be used to characterize a plot.

The Cadastre of Public Law Restrictions on Land Ownership (PLR-cadastre, https://www.cadastre.ch/fr/oereb.html) is an example of a tool (information system), which provides information on the legal, public law limitations that apply to a parcel. Access to the PLR-cadastre can be done via cantonal geoportals, through an interactive mapping interface, for example:

Information on public law restrictions for a plot is presented in a standard layout in PDF format.

The call to the web service "DATA-Extract" in accordance with the instructions of the Federal Office of Topography can be made using the numbering domain identifier (canton and federal municipality number) and the parcel number, and in different output formats, for example (for the municipality of Martigny, parcel 3544):

Result Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DvwfnTKBZZjqz-8N84LHuBrTllmYDvIk2mOPVnEaxeQ/edit Presentation: https://docs.google.com/open?id=1pYk1FETY888kWNuK8ifSBZ92eZvs_F5r620YeFJncWo

Contributed 5 years ago by mgilgen for Agricathon 2019


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