This Challenge was posted 8 years ago




By summing the reported emissions of all companies operating in a single country and comparing that value to the reported emissions of that country, one can see that companies seriously underreport their emissions. To be able to spend in a more environmentally-friendly way, the true emissions data for companies should be available to consumers and investors. In order to generate this data without reporting from the companies themselves (which would retain the underreporting and biases), we need location and operations information for all businesses.

  • Describe your solution in 3-5 sentences.

We have created a database of all companies, their operating locations, and the emissions that each location is responsible for by compiling data from many sources freely available on the web. We compile several sources, including LinkedIn and Google Maps data, and arrange everything in a single database. This has the potential to influence the flow of capital away from environmentally unfriendly enterprises and toward greener companies.

  • Enter any links or datasets that were key to your progress.

  • Where did this project stand prior to the Climathon?

Before Climathon this was just a very rough idea and nothing concrete.

  • Why do you think your project is relevant for the City of Zurich?

Zurich is a major financial hub and together its residents and industries are responsible for the management of a large amount of capital. Creating a tool to help these individuals and asset managers make greener choices in their investments could not only improve the outcomes of their portfolios as climate change progresses, but also establish the city as a driving force in the fight against climate change.

  • Any other comments about your experience:

This has been a great experience overall. The collaborative and supportive environment have really allowed creativity and productivity to flow and brought our team to a concrete final result. And the yoga was wonderful!

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