This Challenge was posted 5 years ago



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TimeGazer from Johann Roduit on Vimeo.

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  • password: Valais


Welcome to TimeGazer: A time-traveling photo booth enabling you to send greetings from historical postcards.

Based on the wonderful “Postcards from Valais (1890 - 1950)” dataset, consisting of nearly 4000 historic postcards of Valais, we create a prototype for Mixed-Reality photo booth.

Choose a historic postcard as a background and a person will be style-transferred virtually onto the postcard.

Photobomb a historical postcard

A photo booth for time traveling send greetings from the poster virtually enter the historical postcard

Mockup of the process.

Based on the wonderful “Postcards from Valais (1890 - 1950)” dataset, consisting of nearly 4000 historic postcards of Valais, we create a prototype for Mixed-Reality photo booth. One can choose a historic postcard as a background and a person will be style-transferred virtually onto the postcard.

Potentially with VR-trackerified things to add choosable objects virtually into the scene.


This project is roughly based on a project from last year, which resulted in an active research project at Databases and Information Systems group of the University of Basel: VIRTUE. Hence, we use a similar setup:



Blue screen

Printer box

Standard box on MakerCase:

Modified for the input of paper and output of postcard:


Quote from the data introduction page:

A collection of 3900 postcards from Valais. Some highlights are churches, cable cars, landscapes and traditional costumes. Source: Musées cantonaux du Valais – Musée d’histoire


  • Dr. Ivan Giangreco
  • Dr. Johann Roduit
  • Lionel Walter
  • Loris Sauter
  • Luca Palli
  • Ralph Gasser
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