This Challenge was posted 5 years ago


Individualized travel guide

Create a prototype of an individual travel guide

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Detailled problem description:
The timetables for the Bodenseeschifffahrt (Lake Constance navigation) are not coordinated. This poses the following painpoints:
- long waiting times for guests
- Laborious manual coordination of timetables by the tourimus office staff and guests
Detailled Customer Requirements:
- best possible/most eventful, most beautiful route is calculated
- quick and easy customer advice
- optionally increase sales
Potential Key Deliverables:
Individualized travel guide
Out of Scope:
Adaptation of timetables
Potential Challenge:
Customizable travel guide: Create an itinerary so that there is no waiting time or the waiting time can be combined with visiting nearby attractions. In a first step, the prototype must be developed for use by the tourismus office staff. In the medium to long term, Thurgau-Bodenseetourismus would like to make an individualised travel guide available to its guests as a self-service offer.


A web app was created to support the employees in the tourist offices when assisting visitors with their itinerary.


A mockup is available here: Presentation

Based on the visitors initial preferences and the available time, a customized tour will be generated. Based on former data (popularity, number of tourists etc.) the tool will learn to make better suggestions. The employee has the opportunity to then adapt the plan from the available options according to the customers wishes. Every time a change is made, there is an option for the tool to recalculate and optimize.

The following open data and data provided by the tourism organization are used currently:

  • Object data of tourism organization members
  • Transport opendata
  • outdooractive
  • guidle
  • tripadvisor

The solution could implemented in any tourism region in Switzerland based on different data sources. The tool could be made available as a self-service mobile app for tourists.

Web App

More documentation and data
Project Folder


  • Carole Mattmann
  • Vanya
  • Julia
  • Urs
  • Iwona Fluda
  • Adrian Braunwalder

You can find the link to the prototype via the "Homepage" button.

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