This Challenge was posted 2 years ago


Open Swiss Journalism

Put news in the open source Fediverse

↓  Open

Maria is working for Netzcourage, developing a beta test environment with Fediverse (Mastodon) news products. We thought we could maybe reproduce this service for journalism. A beta test environment to include others.

People are shifting from Twitter to Mastodon, and if I'm correct, it's like a protected space where we can give rules. If people sign up and post to a protected instance for journalists, they should have a Code of Conduct (Presserat Codex) that sets rules and trust levels for people who join.

  • How to use Fediverse for journalism?
  • What is the potential of it? How is the social space governed?
  • Do not reproduce The Bird, use the open tools!
  • How does the ActivityPub protocol work, that allows people to follow across networks and services?

^miriam ^samuel

 On stage


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