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River mapping and monitoring for people and clean energy

clean energy, water

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"Switzerland is full of small rivers and streams that amaze for their beauty and amuse the citizen during Summer for swimming or refreshing. Some research shows that even small rivers could in principle help to produce clean energy also in locations where the standard hydro turbines cannot be installed, together with leaving the panorama and the water fauna unharmed (https://www.turbulent.be/ ). In order to help Communities, Communes and people to assess the feasibility of these projects, a precise mapping and monitoring of the river position, height, flow and jumps is necessary. Creating an API containing all of these information, together with their seasonality and the quality of the water will provide the basis for a visual representation for these and other goals. The existing projects (e.g. Digitaler Wassernetz der Schweiz) have gathered data but the availability of this information is low."

"The purpose of the hackathon would be to gather the available information from different sources in order to create a single source of data while figuring out the information missing. Eventually build an API for the download. Eventually create a list of potential sites for the installation of the turbulent turbines projects with the aim to talk to the local communities to assess its economical viability."

Organization: Fluence / Independent

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