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Active projects and challenges as of 14.03.2025 06:01.
Bridging the Digital Divide
Enhancing Connectivity through Postal and Trade Data Analysis
Countercheck & La Poste Groupe France
Global Standard Anti-Counterfeiting Software
#SupplyChain #vLEI #TRAIN #GS1
Coupling Digital Identities
Coupling secure Digital Identities with trusted postal data to improve security and efficiency of Cross-Border delivery of Cargo/Posts.
Data-driven solutions for plastic pollution
Using data-driven solutions for incentivizing circularity approaches within the postal sector to address plastic pollution.
Ensuring Postal Resilience in the Digital Economy
Use OPEN DATA to develop solutions for the postal sector enabling them to adapt, survive and thrive in 2023 and beyond!
Making packages talk
Putting data required for correct handling on the box in a globally standardised way independent of Sender, Carrier or Receiver
Preferred choice of eCommerce Delivery
What can UPU or post offices offer more than other parties to become the preferred choice of eCommerce Delivery?