Edited (version 21)
Megatron on ICE
Auto-fetch, clean JSON to NOSQL, LLAMA-indexed access to real-time building data via NLP prompts, ensuring accuracy.
People | 3 | Posts | 65 | Dribs | 61 |
Event finish
Repository updated
new video (@christophlandolt)
readme update (umbrüche) (@christophlandolt)
readme finished (@christophlandolt)
video pitch created (@christophlandolt)
Merge pull request #2 from clandolt/noah
layout changed (@noahluech)
layout changed (@noahluech)
backend and frontend connected (@christophlandolt)
backend observer connected (@christophlandolt)
Merge branch 'christoph' of https://github.com/clandolt/OpenDataHackSG_2023 into christoph (@christophlandolt)
observer added (@christophlandolt)
Merge pull request #1 from clandolt/noah
Noah (@noahluech)
Merge branch 'christoph' into noah (@noahluech)
dash app finished (@noahluech)
query the query engine (@christophlandolt)
web crawler updatet to drop unnecessary info (@christophlandolt)
Schema of json data added (@christophlandolt)
get json data from data handler (@christophlandolt)
dash app initialized (@noahluech)
Calling the data handler class from main (@christophlandolt)
data handler package created (@christophlandolt)
Abstraction class to the database created (@christophlandolt)
call the query engine from main (@christophlandolt)
query engine package (@christophlandolt)
Query engine class (@christophlandolt)
Joined the team
Joined the team
Challenge shared
Tap here to review.
using project settings for WebCrawler (@christophlandolt)
env.template created (@christophlandolt)
requirements update for dot env (@christophlandolt)
Package definition ProjectSettings (@christophlandolt)