Unlinkability beim Vorweisen einer E-ID

Wenn eine E-ID vorgewiesen wird, soll es keine Möglichkeit geben diese E-ID auf Basis von technischen Parametern zu identifizieren


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BBS Rust Library PoC for Open Legal Lab 2024


This repository hosts a Proof of Concept (PoC) developed during the Open Legal Lab 2024 Hackathon. This PoC was created by participants to better understand the practical aspects of the BBS library in a learning environment.


This code is a demonstration meant for learning and understanding the functionalities of the BBS library in Rust. It has not been designed with production-level security or efficiency considerations and thus should not be used in such environments.


  • Rust Programming Language
  • BBS Library for Rust
  • SHA-256 Hashing (sha2 crate)


To get started with this PoC:

  1. Install Rust on your system.
  2. Clone the repository.
  3. Navigate to the project directory.
  4. Use Cargo to build and run the project:
cargo build
cargo run

Project Structure

  • main.rs: Contains the main logic showcasing key generation, message signing, and verification processes.
  • create_keys: Generates a public and secret key pair for signing messages.
  • json_to_messages: Transforms a JSON document into a vector of signature messages.
  • blind_sign_messages: Produces a blind signature for a set of messages.
  • create_commitment: Creates a cryptographic commitment using a blinding factor.
  • unblind_signature: Converts a blind signature into a standard signature.
  • create_proof_request: Sets up a proof request for a cryptographic proof.
  • create_proof_of_knowledge: Creates a proof of knowledge for a subset of the signed messages.
  • check_signature_pok: Checks the validity of a proof of knowledge.


The PoC demonstrates:

  • Key generation compatible with the BBS signature scheme.
  • Conversion of eID attributes into a format suitable for BBS signatures.
  • Creation and handling of blind signatures and commitments.
  • Generation and verification of proofs of knowledge to simulate the eID verification workflow.
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