MyArosa – The digital Tourist Office of the 21 Century

Bridge the gap between tourist offices & visitors by providing a easy way to digitally interact with each other

The Project in a Nutshell

Going through the Data of Arosa and several other online ressources, we identified that the tourist office today still works as a typical counter-business. Very few – mostly non-urgent – actions such as bookings and research about available apartments etc. happen through digital communication (as of today, the office in Arosa only offers email).

We see a great potential in using a mixture between automated chatbot, as well as real live chat with TouristExperts in the region. Through this, we want to decrease waiting time at the offices (by balancing out the peaks of the tourist flow), to improve the way how customer and expert interact with each other and in the end provide tourist offices with a tool, with which they can make their specific knowledge about a region available in a digital medium.



The Data we used

We see great potential in already existing data about current customer requests as well as patterns, how they interact with the tourist office. Through this, a very heterogenous group of people we want to address can be reached with one single experience with the possibility to engage users directly for their specific needs.

Data we would like to use in the future

- (live) Feedback from the Customers via our - Live Weather Information (via IBM?) - Curated Events of the tourist location (via Guidle?) - Live Data about news/updates regarding the condition of the slopes etc. (mySwitzerland /


Cyril Nusko, Tobias Villiger und Raphael Reber


Previous Idea / Start of the Hackday

Short project summary as we imagine it to be:
- analysis of the qualitative feedback data of tourists provided by Arosa Tourism
- identify most urgent needs and pains of tourists visiting Arosa
- brainstorm ideas to address those needs and pains within an app
- find open data sources for the informations we want to provide (locations of ATMs, Hotels, …)
- analyse current work of tourism offices and identify ways to interact digitally with tourists (with the help of our app)
- explore different interface options / user experiences
- visualise the app interface with actual data from Arosa
- document our app and vision for a future tourism office and app
- if we have sufficient time, start building the app

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