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Data quality comparison

Initial situation: With mountain railways and other institutions in the tourism sector there is sometimes the problem that tourists are standing in front of closed doors. This happens because the opening hours on Google and other platforms are often not updated regularly. In order to prevent tourists from standing in front of closed doors, the responsible tourism offices would like a solution that compares the effective opening hours with the opening hours on the various platforms.

Two different challenges arise out of this problem. First: Develop an application to compare the opening hours between Google MyBusiness and the effective opening hours of mountain railways. Second: A crawler is being developed that can be used to pull the opening hours of the mountain railways from the various platforms.

Goal first Challenge: Application reports discrepancies between Google opening hours and real opening hours. Goal second Challenge: The opening hours no longer have to be manually entered into an Excel list and compared. They are automatically pulled from the various websites and stored in a list.

Benefit: Guests should not stand in front of closed doors at the mountain railways in order to avoid frustration with the tourists.

Dataset first Challenge: Excel file with the effective opening hours of the respective mountain railways.

Event finish



4 years ago ~ marcelulrich

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4 years ago ~ marcelulrich

Challenge shared
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4 years ago ~ marcelulrich
Contributed 4 years ago by marcelulrich for Open Data Hackdays: Tourism
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