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Energy data visualization

Energy data are diverse. How do we present them interactively and informatively?

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Big picture: (Challenge #6)

Integrated Energy System models produce a large amount of results, with a wealth of information. There need to be interactive tools to explore this data by drilling down the data sets.


Based on databases containing the results, a concept for the visualisation (including data plots/charts) as well as the actual implementation with modern and open-source web publishing and programming tools has to be implemented. It might also be used to display input parameters.

We provide:

  • Our knowledge and help
  • Flexibility to choose a focus
  • Clearly defined questions
  • Cleaned and structured data
  • Established Python-based framework
  • Opportunity to see your idea in production soon ## We expect: Your creativity!

Current framework:

(not restrictive): - Python - Plotly - CSV

29.08.2020 09:07 New landing Page with Scenario overview UI Improvements: - Dynamic triggered graphs. - Immediate trigger of Graph plot on change of parameters or scenario - Moving Scenario Tabs to center page

29.08.2020 12:42 Prototype finished - ready for presentation.

Contributed 4 years ago by nikki_bhler for Energy Hackdays 2020
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