04: Consumer behavior of the population in the canton of Lucerne

Different persona are to be compiled on the basis of data from Bfs and LuStat to raise awareness of environmental issues


The aim of the project is to sensitize the population in the canton of Lucerne to the topic of the environment.


Various persona are to be compiled on the basis of data that provide information on budget income/expenditure, demographic characteristics, opinions on the environment in the Canton of Lucerne, as well as data that describe the population's perception of the environment at federal level. The personas produced will describe the individual consumer groups.

On the one hand, the data at cantonal level from the LUStat and Bfs will help us to make direct statements about the Canton of Lucerne, and on the other hand, the data from Bfs at federal level can be linked by age group, household size and other factors and thus help us to draw conclusions. These findings can be used to raise awareness of environmental issues among the relevant groups. In addition, further measures for environmental counselling can be derived, such as marketing campaigns to actively address the relevant consumer group.


The personas produced will describe the individual consumer groups.

First Update (27.11.2020)

Get together with the team member --> Storming, Norming, Forming, Performing. In the first point it was more about knowing the challenge and collect the requirements with the challenge owner. After we knew what to do and estimate the scope of the challenge we decided to split to 2 groups: One group was focusing on the consum behavior and the other group was focusing on the persona indicator as well as which indicators can influence the habitat concerning the living (heating cost, rental cost etc..). The main goal was to prepare the data in order to combine several files which were found on BFS and LuStat. The biggest effort was to collect the specific data and to merge it and in order to do that we needed to understand the data and do some mathematical calculations.

Second Update (28.11.2020)

At that point we had the data ready to do the specified personas. The two groups came together to discuss the findings and based on these findings we created two persona: environmental neutral and environmental sceptic. Furthermore, we prepared the slides for the presentation which leads us to do a retrospective on the project --> We discussed what our obstacles and what the key points of our finding were.

The created Personas



Data Sources

Bundesamt für Statistik

Detailed data available by canton, by household type and by age group
Perception of the environment by the population

Lustat Statistik Kanton Luzern

Data on the income of persons in Lucerne
Data on the age structure of people in Lucerne
Data on municipal waste in Lucerne

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