Food education for kids


How to adapt our food eduction for kids based on the open data available nowadays?


Could we envision a service that would teach kids about what is inside their plate in a funny manner? Could the kids learn by playing on a webpage like a treasure hunt for the right vegetable name?

Information about the OpenFood DB for Developer Community: This is just a short note to let you know that the V3 API - including documentation and examples - is now live. We highly recommend switching to V3 in the near future as this is a very powerful and stable version that we expect to support for a very long time. V1 was designed mostly for internal use, V2 was designed for public use, but given excellent feedback during the last Open Food Hackdays, we quickly realized that we needed to rethink our approach. The result of this process is V3.

The documentation for V3 is here:

The API Github repo is here:

The API is using ElasticSearch, which provides very powerful querying functionality via the ElasticSearch Query DSL. You can find a few examples here:

Code examples :

Proposé par: Alexandre Cotting

Event finish


7 years ago ~ AlexandreCotting


Contributed 7 years ago by AlexandreCotting for Hackons l'éducation!

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