This Challenge was posted 2 years ago


Biodiversity - hUmans are not alone

Combine data sources to visualize and improve the status quo of biodiversity


↓  Open

The unsustainable way in which we are currently using land is contributing to the loss of biodiversity. We need to reconcile the economic well-being of people and ensure the survival or diverse flora and fauna for the survival of our planet. How can we use environmental data to make agriculture and land use more sustainable? How can we use digital tools to support biodiversity? How can digital technologies help to modernise biodiversity protection measures? Giving back more to the planet than we take away is central to our common long-term well-being and prosperity.

The goal is to create an easy-to-use interface that will allow users to explore the data and gain insights into the state of Swiss biodiversity and its evolution over time to identify possible scenarios of how to improve.

Organization: IBM Switzerland


  • Searching for biodiversity data is very complex and time-consuming
  • Sometimes the data is scattered on different websites
  • Sometimes no APIs are offered
  • Sometimes the data is not found due to missing keywords/tags

Our Vision

We want to investigate how leveraging Artificial intelligence (AI) can improve the current data search process


Find relevant biodiversity datasets faster End users can formulate their search in natural language

Existing Approach

Swiss Federal Office has launched an initiative to integrate publicly available datasets into the federal government's Linked Data Services (LINDAS)


We want to create a search interface for biodiversity data that allows users to explore the different datasets and gain insights into the state of biodiversity in Switzerland to identify possible scenarios for improvement.

Proposed Data Sources


Free choice. We are very happy to support you with our IBM technology

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