Individuelle Berner-Stadtspaziergänge

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To install all the dependencies, run the script:




The frontend is an angular single page application.

It needs a build step for two reasons:

  • To turn the angular code into a bundle that can be served by a web server
  • To turn typescript code into pure javascript code that runs in the browser

To start it, do the following:

cd frontend
npm run start


The backend is a nest node application.

It needs a build step to transpile typescript into javascript.

To start it, do the following:

cd backend
npm run start:dev # will also start a mongo database in a docker container


The database is a mongo database accessed by the backend.


The provided dockerfile builds the frontend and backend and generates one image which will run both.

The following environment variables can be provided at runtime:

  • PRODUCTION: Can be true or false. Sets some prod specific things and makes seeding impossible.
  • SEED_MONGO: Can be true or false. Whether to seed the mongo database.
  • MONGO_URL: A string, should be a mongodb connection uri.
  • MONGO_DB: A string, should be the name of the database to use.
  • PORT: A number, the port to use instead of the default 3000.
  • API_PREFIX: An optional prefix for the backend api. Defaults to /api.


The provided docker compose file is an example for how to deploy the application.

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