Joined the team
Rocero: Auswertung des Füllverhaltens der Glassammelstellen
Wir haben Korrelation zwischen Bevölkerung und Füllverhalten analysiert, sowie eine zeitliche Vorhersage der Füllhöhe pro Sensor errechnet.
People | 4 | Posts | 47 | Dribs | 42 |
Event finish
Repository updated
Remove image from readme (@N3xed)
Update readme (@N3xed)
Update README, add results (@N3xed)
Joined the team
Repository updated
Joined the team
Challenge shared
Tap here to review.
Create slides (@N3xed)
save shape files of geometries (@cedric.christen)
Add plots (@N3xed)
Merge branch 'master' of merge (@cedric.christen)
population correlation plot (@cedric.christen)
Remove unused python file (@N3xed)
Calculate slope in one model, add graphs (@N3xed)
prototype ready without graphics (@cedric.christen)
Fix start time of accuracy calc (@N3xed)
calculate slope pop prototype (@cedric.christen)
Add accuracy calc script (@N3xed)
Add script for preparing the sensor data and splitting it into periods (@N3xed)
get population per collection point (@cedric.christen)
Füllstandanalyse (@cedric.christen)
Add people and districts jupyter notebook (@N3xed)
Add reame, (@N3xed)