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Follow The Money
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Event finish
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The morning of the second hackday ran so fast... The Energy is electric by BIT!
We finish for today... What might happen if you click «Get started!»? You'll find it out tomorrow.
Agenda: Pitch Coaching 1145, in the conference room.
Our Notion to topic:
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Brainstorming ideas in Team!
Which technology can we use to collect the info? webscraping, API?
What do we mean with "Innovation" and an innovative business idea? A criteria to consider...
Deep Dive into Investors side...
Notion platform for collaborative work
Lunch Break included brainstorming :)
We need to pay attention not to curate the matching!
Insight: which verification of the profile? E-ID might be an option.
Through an online questionnaire, we will create a standard Business Plan using a Canvas template format. This template will serve as a blueprint for each entrepreneur or startup project and will be accessible to investors.
We also need to think reverse and consider what investors are looking for.
Designing matchmaking-platform between Founders looking for money and possible sources of investment, as well as investors. Defining needs from both sides. We use the Chart from Basel Area with the 6 following stages: Pre-Seed,Seed,Early, Growth, Expansion, Exit.
Brainstorming Session mit Team
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