
  • 🛡️ Organizer
  • ⚙️ Developer


Maintainer of dribdat, the official and 100% open platform of Hackdays.



Be excellent to each other.


Screenshot Oxygen was quick to install, and easy to use for this project.

4 months ago

Reminder: Let's Encrypt will be shortening the Chain of Trust by September 30, 2024 - time to switch to ISRG Root X1.

4 months ago

Scoping is not easy, in fact it's probably the skill to develop at hackathons. Main thing is to immerse yourself into the subject and keep an eye out for the show-stoppers and dead-ends as you go.

4 months ago

Python app added which gets me a nice CheckInteroperability error

4 months ago

Hello world!

4 months ago

Meaningful, direct, engaging - high hopes for Alpine levels of success with this challenge!

4 months ago

Kudos points for bringing a lot of pizzazz to your pitch - can't wait to see what you cook up together!

4 months ago

A topic that resonates with pet owners, animal friends, and everyone who has experienced the kind of travel fatigue associated with paper-stamping

4 months ago

We kicked off the hackathon this morning with compelling presentations - thanks teveryone for bringing your supportive energies this morning!

4 months ago

Saw a GitHub error today? Read security notice, rotate your keys

1 year ago

We worked with the TERMDAT API, found minor inconsistencies, got help from Raphaël (BK) to collect the data we needed.

1 year ago

I did 🪴 🤩

1 year ago

Re:time zone, thanks for pointer..seems like our server has a NTP sync problem. We will get it fixed. In the meantime, good night 🇨🇭🌌

1 year ago

The data is awesome and I'm downloading it now!

1 year ago

Team's ideas are coming together!

1 year ago

To understand some global issues around traffic data homogenization beyond the work of BFS Strassenverkehrszahlung, have a look at (this is not an endorsement) the GTFS community.

1 year ago

Here you can find all the roads in Switzerland in a convenient shapefile that you can open with GeoPandas: swissTLMregio

1 year ago

A couple of projects that seem relevant to yours: Dfour, Ushahidi, Open Data Kit - let me know if you have any questions about them!

1 year ago

Our test server is up and running! This evening I gave it a fresh attempt, using Go instead of Ruby and Docker instead of Ansible, I am much more comfortable with the solution. See details in the project page.

1 year ago