Challenge Project

Standard Data Structure for Civic Participation

Draft specifications to frame Civic Participation data


"More and more cities are experimenting civic participation, with open or close-source softwares. The field of civic participation (participatory participation or delibatory participation) is experimented in many swiss cities like Zurich, Lausanne, Bienne, Winterthur or the state of Geneval. In the same time numerous cities and countries around the world publish data about participation: · new york: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/participatory-budgeting-projects · mexico: https://datos.gob.mx/busca/dataset/obras-presupuesto-participativo-de-san-pedro-garza-garcia · helsinki: https://hri.fi/data/fi/dataset/helsingin-osallistuvan-budjetoinnin-aanestystulokset/resource/f5ed16dd-e5f9-4781-9de3-a3657e49ba41 · spain: https://opendata-ajuntament.barcelona.cat/data/en/dataset/culturailleure-espaisparticipaciociutadana) · And many more (didn’t find a Swiss example).

The problem with this situation is that: little publish their results in open-data and when they do, it is hard to fill the gap between the datasets. We have so many fantastic technologies, but no one uses a well-documented data shema to export participatory data. It’s time for change"

Goal: publish through an open-source website a specification for civic participation data, with a json-ld implementation compatible with CKAN.

Organization: Octree.ch

Event finished

cracks knuckles

24.03.2023 08:36 ~ luca_liechti


Re:time zone, thanks for pointer..seems like our server has a NTP sync problem. We will get it fixed. In the meantime, good night 🇨🇭🌌

23.03.2023 23:14 ~ loleg

Hey Lynx, nice plan. We're going straight to point 4.

23.03.2023 19:20 ~ luca_liechti

Dribdat may have a time zone problem?

23.03.2023 19:09 ~ luca_liechti

Lange Nacht der Musen

23.03.2023 19:08 ~ luca_liechti

23.03.2023 16:02 ~ Daniel

Repo created!

23.03.2023 15:49 ~ luca_liechti

Team's ideas are coming together!

23.03.2023 14:21 ~ loleg

Comparing the 4 most used participatory budgeting civic tech tools

23.03.2023 11:09 ~ luca_liechti

Joined the team

23.03.2023 11:03 ~ Daniel

BIT really living the life with these spaces here

23.03.2023 11:01 ~ luca_liechti

Joined the team

23.03.2023 11:00 ~ luca_liechti

Event started

existing dataset: with map.revision.admin.ch swisstopo have a system where citizens can report changes on maps https://www.swisstopo.admin.ch/en/maps-data-online/notification-of-amendments.html . data is opendta and there is an api to access the data via api

28.02.2023 10:08 ~ davidoesch

Joined the team

28.02.2023 10:06 ~ davidoesch


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