This Challenge was posted 7 years ago



Build database on local farmers & open this information to consumers to foster local food choices (Canton de Vaud).

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Presentation Deck Design sketch Mobile app Demo video

TEAM: Emmanuel Muller, JeanDavid Harrouet, Luca Coranzia, Ragav Lingamaneni, Veronica Estrada, Rémi Tognet Bruchet, Aurélie Barberis.


Today there is about 3600 farms in the Canton de Vaud. This number has been dropping by 23% in the last 10 years with an agriculture in constant evolution. Smaller producers have been searching for new selling models to cope with the financial pressure. To increase their margin about 20% of them are now selling their product direct to the consumer. Direct selling is tricky to set-up and certainly time consuming for farmers who are already doing more than 70 hours work a week!

In parallel, consumers are requesting direct selling! The direct selling model is more and more perceived as the future because a guarantee of quality and traceability! Lack of information on their local producers is judged by consumer as one of the strongest barrier for broader adoption. Today in Canton de Vaud there is no central point of information with up to date information to search for local food producers. This why we want to simplify local food access for a sustainable and ecofriendly model.


Having this information more accessible could promote more sustainable food habits and built a stronger community. Land2Door is a collaborative and comprehensive database gathering local farmers and direct selling points. It contains data such as localization,products, seasonality, volumes. The data base is enriched either with existing open data source or farmer can directly enter their characteristics (via an App). Land2Door is to be made available via an API to open this information to the consumers or restaurants.


During the Open Food Hackdays in 2017, web scraping was used to explore Web data sources. We assembled a list of 200 + local producers and direct selling points in Canton de Vaud. This listing was non exhaustive and some cleaning are needed. Since then, we drafted the data requirements & schema to build the database. An open source demo application to prove the data collection concept and provide an initial open API was developed in collaboration with Oleg Lavrovsky.


We tackled 2 objectives during these 2 days :

  1. Fuel the database --> Create an app to enrol and collect data directly from the Producer.
  2. Foster local food choice --> Develop front end for users /consumers to locate the closest farmers based on consumer geolocalisation and shopping list.


  • Design of the mobiles apps have been sketched and shared with the team.

  • Mobile app prototyped to collect data from farmers

  • Voice app prototyped to connect farm data to end users.

  • More details and screenshots in our presentation.


1-Raise awareness and extend network in order to fund our project:

  • Develop a web page to support the database.
  • Test the collection mobile app on pilot farmers group.
  • Test the end-users apps on pilot consumers group.

--> Optimize data interface and further populate it.

2-Develop business model for direct selling in Canton de Vaud first.

Key questions to tackle : Prove our assumption on consumers to go for local food.
Define experiments to understand why the consumers will go on the plateform. Find ways to advertise the idea.

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