A web app for data donation in a project on credit scoring

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"When applying for a loan, mobile phone contract, or even trying to rent an apartment in Germany, the Schufa score - Germany’s credit rating - is decisive. If you have a few „points“ too little, your application is refused. (Computer says „No“ to your new smartphone or apartment.) However, the calculation of these credit scores - done by the private Schufa company - is fully intransparent. The formula is a trade secret, and as such not open to the public. We want to change this intransparency with the project OpenSCHUFA. Together with AlgorithmWatch we want to reconstruct the Schufa algorithm with „reverse engineering“.

If you are interested in adapting this to Switzerland, see our recent blog post for details, and fork our source code. Members of the project (Walter Palmetshofer) will be participating at the conference to answer questions on site.

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