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Open Government Data Vorlesung

University of Bern

Nominated by Dr. Matthias Stürmer

Three student projects were nominated that can be seen on the Open Data Show Room:

Visualisation of mobility counts

Visualisierung Verkehrszähldaten Simon Kafader und Angela Keller

Visualisation of youth surveys

Visualisierung Jugendbefragungen Ana Dejanovic und Mayra Spizzo

Visualisation of Rhine monitoring

Visualisierung Rheinüberwachungsdaten Oliver Erismann und Robert Schranz


07.07.2018 08:03 ~ oleg

Event finished

Joined the team

03.07.2018 13:37 ~ oleg

First post View challenge

03.07.2018 13:37 ~ oleg


Event started

Contributed 6 years ago by oleg for [Un]conference 2018

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