Geocode by Address
Details on access to open data for addresses and geocoding in Switzerland
Official Swiss addresses updated weekly are available via interactive and programmatic (RESTful) access to users interested in matching addresses to geographic locations. A download is also available under For the first time now: all official adresses of Switzerland are available for free! Commercial providers meanwhile only offer a freemium access, and are often not up to date.
Using the REST Service , it is easy to generate an Excel file to generate a map based on addresses -step by step explanation here. Furthermore, Open Official Addresses together with parcels based on OpenData-Surveying and roadnames (amtliches-strassenverzeichnis) allows the construction of a free and official base map
Project suggestions
- Create a webapp where user can upload addresses and map it, convert it and create mashups, visualize it etc...
[Un]conference 2018
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