

The number of extremely hot days and heat waves have dramatically increased over the last 20 years; climate science tells us this trend will continue. Like much of central Europe, Zurich’s public planning is intended to provide warmth in winter but frequently does not offer much shade during hot days. Zurich’s public spaces are less used during heat waves, which negatively impacts retail businesses (one study found between 5-18% reduction in foot traffic in shopping areas during a recent hot period). Additionally, heat waves increase cooling costs for stores and result in potential health problems (7% increase in mortality found during a heat spell in 2003) for the especially young and old.

  • Describe your solution in 3-5 sentences.

We suggest creating shade in key public areas around Zurich by installing ‘Zurishade’ above streets. The retractable ‘Zurishade’ will be deployed during the day of the three hottest months from June to August, and would decrease ambient temperature and return pleasure to summer days in downtown Zurich. This is an easy, cost effective, and proven solution already used in other Mediterranean cities (e.g. Malaga).
Bahnhofstrasse is the perfect location to install ‘Zurishade’ because we can exploit extant infrastructure for the Lucy Christmas lights, and since Bahnhofstrasse is one of the most visited streets in Zurich, this installation would ignite a debate about local climate adaptation measures. Businesses are potentially highly affected by temperature changes and have already showed interest to participate in financing and implementing ‘Zurishade’.

  • Add any screenshots / demo links / photos of the results we should look at.

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  • Enter any links or datasets that were key to your progress.

8zurishade.pdf box_model.pdf

  • Where did this project stand prior to the Climathon?

We just started it here.

  • Why do you think your project is relevant for the City of Zurich?

It’s very likely to be implemented, it has direct positive effects on the environment and the economy. Many people will profit from it. It can be connected with a marketing campaign on climate change.

  • Any other comments about your experience:

This morning we talked with various store owners on Bahnhofstrasse, all of them showed high interest in our project and would like to support it.

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