DNA Sequencing
Jonathan Sobel, BeerDeCoded
Initially our project was a way to introduce cutting edge molecular biology techniques such as DNA sequencing to a large audience with a consumer product such as beer. We wanted to create the first tree of beers. Our goal was to create a new tool to help consumers to find their favourite beer. And potentiality, we hoped that our measurements could help brewers to develop new products.
For the BeerDecoded Challenge we hope to BREW:
- Brainstorm about the potential applications of Beer knowledge based on open access data (BtoB, BtoC)
- Re-analyse some beer data sets and produce a new open access data set about beers (recipes, brands, measurements, prices, breweries,... )
- Elucidate the Swiss beer market
- Work on a web interface to browse our Beer knowledge base.
Shared Documentation
Address to this document: http://bit.ly/2lree0f
Team for the Hackdays:
Jonathan Sobel: Bioinfo, Science Gianpaolo Rando: Science Xavier Stouder : IT Student, full-stack developer Jonny Hofmann : IT Student full-stack developer Christophe Penot: Marketing Sébastien Martin: IT Student and graphic designer Nolan Rigo: IT Student (Web Developer) Ronald Rodriguez: Chemist
Who is consuming what? Beer is second after wine! Segmentation of the consumers? Profile utilisateur (as perspectives) Think Mobile First !
Here a link to a google drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_9gMzBOT6_WX2JVaTZpYTBvTzA
Github Organization :
We have access to the following datasets: List of 240+ Swiss-German Beers [google sheets] Bank of 100+ Beers contributed by Kickstarter backers (we will scan them today) [google sheets] Brewing recipes of 200+ BrewDog beers [API, Json] Beer social network (max 100 calls per hours) : [API] Beer rating website : [API]
Thermo Scientific FirstDefender RMX