DNA Sequencing
Jonathan Sobel, BeerDeCoded
Initially our project was a way to introduce cutting edge molecular biology techniques such as DNA sequencing to a large audience with a consumer product such as beer. We wanted to create the first tree of beers. Our goal was to create a new tool to help consumers to find their favourite beer. And potentiality, we hoped that our measurements could help brewers to develop new products.
##For the BeerDecoded Challenge we hope to BREW:
- Brainstorm about the potential applications of Beer knowledge based on open access data (BtoB, BtoC)
- Re-analyse some beer data sets and produce a new open access data set about beers (recipes, brands, measurements, prices, breweries,... )
- Elucidate the Swiss beer market
- Work on a web interface to browse our Beer knowledge base.
##Shared Documentation
Address to this document: http://bit.ly/2lree0f
##Team for the Hackdays:
Jonathan Sobel: Bioinfo, Science Gianpaolo Rando: Science Xavier Stouder : IT Student, full-stack developer Jonny Hofmann : IT Student full-stack developer Christophe Penot: Marketing Sébastien Martin: IT Student and graphic designer Nolan Rigo: IT Student (Web Developer) Ronald Rodriguez: Chemist
##Notes: Who is consuming what? Beer is second after wine! Segmentation of the consumers? Profile utilisateur (as perspectives) Think Mobile First !
##Repository: Here a link to a google drive https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_9gMzBOT6_WX2JVaTZpYTBvTzA
##Github Organization :
##Data We have access to the following datasets: List of 240+ Swiss-German Beers [google sheets] Bank of 100+ Beers contributed by Kickstarter backers (we will scan them today) [google sheets] Brewing recipes of 200+ BrewDog beers [API, Json] Beer social network (max 100 calls per hours) : [API] Beer rating website : [API]
Thermo Scientific FirstDefender RMX
Open Food Hackdays 2017
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