102: Small Neighbourhoods

Visualize existing data of the small sub-quarters to gain valuable insights about the participation of those residents

Original Challenge The goal is to visualize the existing data of the small sub-quarters in a way that they can be integrated or linked into/with the existing website. An example for this would be the representation on a dynamic map of the small quarters. The displayed data must always be up-to-date, shows changes and development and should therefore generate added value and information for the visitors of the website and for planning by neighbourhood organisations and the city.

Update 28.11.2020 During the hackdays, the hackers of this challenge visualized existing data of the small sub-quarters to gain valuable insights about the facts, needs and participation of the residents in those neighbourhoods. The hackers did so by using the business analytics tool Power BI to provide interactive visualizations and one can make its own analysis without any previous knowledge what is especially important when reaching all residents from a neighbourhood where not everyone has a technological affinity.

What did we find out What topics are especially important to the residents and how and where they would like to participate in discussions. Moreover, deeper insights about the values of the neighbourhood association Würzenbach and voting Participation, including demography details on the neighbourhood Würzenbach.

Next steps The insights and visualisation need to be integrated into the website to make the findings accessible to all residents. Moreover, a dynamic map of the small quarters should be created what is a need from the original challenge owner.

Our interactive dashboards






Available Datasets • Statistical borders of small sub-quarters (https://webgis.stadtluzern.ch/WebOffice/synserver?project=admin_einteilung&user=guest&client=core) • Grade of Activation at Neighbourhood Association • Population Data 2014 – 2019 (Demographic) • Employer Data 2016 • Participation in Voting • Value Survey

Project link

Participants Luca Cincera / Carmen Moreno / Lino Simoni / Marc Sprenger

Contact details Luca Cincera, luca.cincera@stud.hslu.ch Carmen Moreno, carmen.boehler@stud.hslu.ch Lino Simoni, lino.simoni@stud.hslu.ch Marc Sprenger, marc.sprenger@stud.hslu.ch

Pitch präsentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTEFsVtGKn4M3sMCHMefoHhiHulghhS469wC0Tv2Z_e77CZvWB6hfz64yEl6T6ESZsGCaAFngL2_7g-/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000

Event finish


4 years ago ~ carmen_moreno

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4 years ago ~ AR8


4 years ago ~ carmen_moreno

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4 years ago ~ carmen_moreno



4 years ago ~ andy_gubser

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4 years ago ~ andy_gubser


4 years ago ~ ALiebrich

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4 years ago ~ ALiebrich

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4 years ago ~ ALiebrich
Contributed 4 years ago by ALiebrich for Shape My City
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