103 - Geovisualization of simulated building energy demands
Interactive visualization of the energy use of buildings based on energy simulation data
The aim of the challenge is to visualize the energy use of buildings either in 3D or 2D based on energy simulation data. The visualization should be interactive and the users should be able to discover information about the buildings from the graphics. The information which is visualized is not limited to energy use but also any additional knowledge the challengers can engineer from the results (e.g. identification of cluster of high demand, reporting at different spatial levels i.e. postcode, identification of areas that could benefit most from energy saving strategies, etc.).
- understanding data
- determine and develop the key figures to be visualized
- choosing the tool for the visualization
- implementing the visualization
- knowledge engineering
- energy simulation data
- description of the attributes from the simulation
Data files will be provided by the challenge owner (protected data)
The creation of this 3D interactive application (GUI) requires various preceding steps. The data challenge team therefore decided to build a pipeline.
The pipeline basically consists of 4 parts:
- Setting up the basic infrastructure
- Data collection
- Data preparation (apply relevant Skripts)
- Layer creation
- Use of GUIs
- Nested Data structure (CityGML Data, xml, kml, json, gltf, ...)
- many possible approaches exist (Python, Web application, R, …)
- handling & understanding of data structure
- Adapt Visual to research question (Adapt javascript of 3D-CityDB Web Client)
- Colouring of Layers in Web-Client
- Automation of current manuelly tasks
- Further evaluation of 3D-Visualization-Tools with more flexible GUI
Link to the presentation
Link to the documentation
Shape My City
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