This challenge is awaiting approval from an organizer.
01_Short-term Photovoltaic Forecasting
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Generation of short-term (sub-second) probabilistic forecasting of photovoltaic
What is it about?
The goal of the challenge is to generate short-term (sub-second) probabilistic forecasting of photovoltaic (PV) generation and load consumption when only their aggregated prosumption is being monitored. The challenge would involve the disaggregation of the monitored prosumption into PV generation and load consumption in real-time.
The available dataset includes high-resolution historical measurements (up to 100ms) of the nodal prosumption and the global horizontal irradiance (GHI) from a MW-scale distribution grid at Aigle.
@Distributed Electrical Systems Laboratory DESL / EPFL
Energy Data Hackdays 2021
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