07 - Governance of DLT 4 Financing Blockchain
Blockchain networks have to be properly desinged and managed
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Ecosystem Governance in the context of a blockchain network

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The creation of non-zero-sum games is not an easy task. Would you like to know more? Play the game [Link](https://ncase.me/trust/)
**Watch video of our presentation:**
07 - DLT 4 financing the energy transition
Energy & Climate Hack
ReFi is a permissioned blockchain network that provides a framework for collaboration and facilitates a platform for investing in renewable energy digital assets.The Idea:
For investing/lending, crowd-investors could provide liquidity to a pool (smart-contract). Fund-seeker could fractionalise (tokenise) ownership of digital-assets (pv-system).
What we did:
- Stakeholder Analysis
Value Flows Diagram

Resources / Data:
*[1] [What is a stakeholder Analysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stakeholder_analysis)* *[2] [Flows of Value - The concept](https://www.valueflo.ws/introduction/concepts/)* *[3] [Elinor Ostrom's 8 Principles for Managing A Commmons](https://www.onthecommons.org/magazine/elinor-ostroms-8-principles-managing-commmons)*Next Steps:
Energy & Climate Hack
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