C33 Beatmungs- geräte Winter 21-22
Auslastung Beatmungsgeräte Kt. BE Winter 21-22
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C33/C34 Beatmungsgeräte
Manuel Vazquez
Christian Spiller
Michael Wild
This repo contains the code developed during the Data Hackdays Bern for the challenges C33 Beatmungs-geräte Winter 21-22 and C34 Beatmungs-geräte Winter 22-23.
Data Sources
- Ventilator occupancy data: https://github.com/openZH/covid_19/tree/master/fallzahlen_kanton_total_csv_v2
- Incidence data: https://www.covid19.admin.ch/api/data/20211112-b5cqnmme/downloads/sources-csv.zip
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Data Hackdays BE 2021
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