Joined the team
Political challenges
Data Model
PDF Parsing
The provided XML data can be imported into runtime and exposed in a Webservice through REST. This serves as an local example of how data can be published. Furthermore it provides an easy toolchain for future hacks through JAXB, Jackson, Jetty.
Table of contents
This repository represents and attempt to create easily available analytics from the diligent recording of the proceedings in the Grossrat of the Canton Berne. The findings and software are provided 'as is' and show mostly how with very little effort great value, public accountability and transparency could be created by the council.
The data in this repository may not be used or distributed without the consent from the Grossrat of the Canton Berne.
All analytical results are to be taken as incomplete and unreliable due to the small sample size.
Meta Data Model
Web Query Example
Event finish
Merge branch 'master' of merrrge (@RomanRiesen)
added results.json which is an example of an elasticsearch result
Joined the team
Zusammenstellung von Grundideen, Dokumenten und Snippets
Abklärungen Datenbasis
Repository updated
Joined the team
Challenge shared
Tap here to review.
- add link to ppt (@IO42630)
- expand doc
- add img
- modif doc
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
- set example such as can be searched by
added idea.jpg because google docs cannot import pdfs... (@RomanRiesen)
added idee.pdf
Testtest (@hinjud)
- add custom simple HTypes (@IO42630)
- add example
- clean up
- all data loads
- add mini server
- move everything around
all the objects map , bring out the champaign.
generify, add geschaeft
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
fix paths
add meta xml part
Add NLP tasks
fixed typo (@papperlaparlament)
added basic readme (@RomanRiesen)
initial commit containing the data to nlp on
Data Hackdays BE 2021