Challenge Project

Enabling Energy Data for Applications

API Design, API Documentation, API4Energy


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Pitch Präsentation


Das Bundesamt für Energie hat rund 100 OGD Produkte und erst kürzlich ein Energie-Dashboard veröffentlicht mit Energiedaten von hohem öffentlichen Interesse.


Wie kann das BFE Energiedaten nützlicher und zugänglicher für Anwendungen machen, um die digitale Innovation zu fördern?


Verschiedenen Möglichkeiten für API auszutesten (je nach Zusammenstellung, Vorlieben und Know-How des Teams): 🎯 Aus CSVs auf opendata.swiss API zu bauen und dabei verschiedene Möglichkeiten testen (z.B Graphql) 🎯 Bestehende API aus dem Energiedashboard dokumentieren und via Swagger Tool einfach verfügbar machen. (Bsp. ENTSO-E) 🎯 Wrapper erstellen, um aus bestehenden SPARQL Endpoints API zu erstellen.


Einfach an lucas.tochtermann@bfe.admin.ch schreiben

Organisation: BFE Bundesamt für Energie

Github Repository: EnablingEnergyDataforApplications

📦 File: BFE_Challenge.pdf


Our great project team

Project Team

Corinne Straub - Gabriel Wyss - Helmut Recher - Roby Radica - Lucas Tochtermann - Peter Janes - Daniele Scopece

What are today's pains?

Tons of cvs files...

In the current environment, developers are faced with a growing number of data sources, csv data files and APIs - it is increasingly painful to find the relevant data and understand its interpretation. Full files must first be downloaded, which can cause storage and handling issues.

Actual pains

What would we like to see?

Developers would love to see all the available information in one place, both the «column heading» structure information and the actual data.

BFE energy dashboard

Animated video

How does it work?

The core deliverable of the hackneys is a flexible aggregator with a «super-API», which collects data from various sources in one place. The data structure is documented in Open API format (swagger) for user empowerment. The aggregator is scalable and adopts flexibly to new data sources.

Solution approach

What are the next steps?

Our hackday result is an important first step - but there is more to come!

  • A standardised schema provides unified naming to make finding relevant information much easier.
  • With a «dashboard builder» toolkit, non-developers can put together the dashboard of their choice in minutes.

Next steps

Supporting material

CSV Data File Analysis


«Reverse Engineering» schema from CSV files.

Energy Data ERD Schema

Online Hosting

Free Python hosting on railway > Explainer Video

Other Material

Plan E

Design Sprint Swiss Energy Data Working Group für OSTRAL Kommunikation.

This is a relevant project. I hope someone will pick it up and continue with it.

28.03.2023 12:07 ~ wolfram


Edited (version 157)

24.03.2023 23:12 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 155)

24.03.2023 23:06 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 153)

24.03.2023 23:01 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 151)

24.03.2023 22:54 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 149)

24.03.2023 22:53 ~ PeterJanes

Event finished

Edited (version 147)

24.03.2023 14:53 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 145)

24.03.2023 14:43 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 143)

24.03.2023 14:36 ~ lucas_tochtermann_bfe

Edited (version 141)

24.03.2023 14:36 ~ lucas_tochtermann_bfe

Edited (version 139)

24.03.2023 14:35 ~ lucas_tochtermann_bfe

Edited (version 137)

24.03.2023 14:34 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 135)

24.03.2023 14:32 ~ lucas_tochtermann_bfe

Edited (version 133)

24.03.2023 14:27 ~ lucas_tochtermann_bfe

Edited (version 131)

24.03.2023 14:24 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 129)

24.03.2023 14:13 ~ PeterJanes

Test-URL for API bfe-energydashboard: https://bfeprototype.sh1.hidora.com/swagger/index.html

A .NET 6 webapi - project can be found here: https://github.com/Geodata20/bfe.energiedashboard.apicollection.app

24.03.2023 12:39 ~ helmutrecher

Edited (version 125)

24.03.2023 10:45 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 123)

24.03.2023 09:58 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 120)

24.03.2023 08:01 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 118)

24.03.2023 08:01 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 116)

24.03.2023 08:00 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 114)

24.03.2023 07:55 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 112)

24.03.2023 07:37 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 110)

24.03.2023 07:36 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 108)

24.03.2023 07:32 ~ PeterJanes

Creating new API out of csvs.

23.03.2023 15:54 ~ JP

Joined the team

23.03.2023 15:53 ~ JP

Edited (version 103)

23.03.2023 13:55 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 101)

23.03.2023 13:54 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 99)

23.03.2023 13:42 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 97)

23.03.2023 13:40 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 95)

23.03.2023 13:37 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 93)

23.03.2023 13:36 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 91)

23.03.2023 13:36 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 89)

23.03.2023 13:35 ~ PeterJanes

Edited (version 87)

23.03.2023 13:34 ~ PeterJanes

Ich stelle noch die Links zu den relevanten Datensätze auf Github

23.03.2023 12:40 ~ lucas_tochtermann_bfe

Joined the team

23.03.2023 12:38 ~ PeterJanes

hello test

23.03.2023 12:30 ~ danielescopece


23.03.2023 12:28 ~ corinnestraub

Joined the team

23.03.2023 12:26 ~ backgammon

Event started


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