v. 78
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Add script to extract nodes and edges data. (@ebezzam)
data extracted through pyrosm: https://drive.switch.ch/index.php/s/WvCu1n9y6rDxVt5
https://opendata.swiss/fr/dataset/swissboundaries3d-kantonsgrenzen cantonal boundries
Add notebook. (@ebezzam)
https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/fr/home/statistiques/statistique-regions/fonds-cartes/geometries-base.assetdetail.24106754.html municipality boundaries
To understand some global issues around traffic data homogenization beyond the work of BFS Strassenverkehrszahlung, have a look at (this is not an endorsement) the GTFS community.
Here you can find all the roads in Switzerland in a convenient shapefile that you can open with GeoPandas: swissTLMregio
Initial commit (@ebezzam)
article that has some mentions on subsidies: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0967070X16301469#s0020
"Canton-wide, fares cover 35 per cent of operating costs for..."
Info on cycle tracks is available for some cantons, for instance Geneva https://ge.ch/sitg/fiche/6613 and some municipalities, for instance Nyon https://map.cartolacote.ch/s/nTrn. Google maps gives info on bike lanes (choose the layer bottom left), but is not always uptodate.
there- is as well Comptage de la circulation routière - réseau principal (Office fédéral des routes OFROU) https://s.geo.admin.ch/9dc2a60895
Hi, there are a lot data from ARE https://s.geo.admin.ch/9dc2a1f2ff just browse the ARE cataloge (https://help.geo.admin.ch/?ids=32&lang=fr) ra data link can be found using the (i) button https://help.geo.admin.ch/?ids=37&lang=fr i
GovTech Hackathon 2023
The data is awesome and I'm downloading it now!