v. 74
Verbesserung Online-Zugang des Bundesarchivs
Interaktive Datenvisualisierung, User-Interface, D3, Data-Visualization, Linked-Data, JavaScript, Datenanalyse
People | 5 | Posts | 56 | Dribs | 51 |
Event finish
Layout maincontainer (@mullzk)
Color-Scheme, add main-container (@mullzk)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/main' (@mullzk)
Fixed merge conflict (@mullzk)
Add breadcrump, hardcoded (@mullzk)
Style and functionality update (@grohlfs1)
Added dynmaic node table at the bottom of the page (@grohlfs1)
Update sparql_snippets.md (@baddonkey)
Add divs for breadcrumbs, nodeinfo and childtable (@mullzk)
UI Discussion Logaritmic Time-Filter
UI Discussion: Jog Dial and Info-List
UI Discussion: Current Tree
Document Library-url of sunburst-chart (@mullzk)
Merge pull request #3 from CDiGallo/refactoring
Refactoring (@mullzk)
Extract style (@mullzk)
Refactor Sunburst (@mullzk)
The Stefans are still Coding. Problem is, how is the "share" of a slice of a ring of our sunburst determined. Because it is very expensive to ask count (all childs of all childs of all childs ad. infinitum). Maybe we don't even want that.
We can fetch data from lindas an create a sunburst. With "Await" can the queries be called in parallel. We ask
Update sparql_snippets.md (@CDiGallo)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/main' (@mullzk)
Create sunburst2.html (@baddonkey)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/main' (@mullzk)
Create javascript_snippets.md (@baddonkey)
Update sparql_snippets.md (@baddonkey)
Merge pull request #2 from baddonkey/patch-1
Create sparql_snippets.md (@mullzk)
Create sparql_snippets.md (@baddonkey)
We are working on a model for the hiearchies in our sunburst and in what kind of sequence the same level should be shown.
First structure: Data Extraction, Data Formating, Data Visualization
Revert "Update sunburst.html"
This reverts commit 4caf5593be35cc2819a629c5c1c452334f607c03. (@mullzk)
GovTech Hackathon 2023