
  • ⚙️ Developer


Energy Data Hackdays 2021

September 24 - 25, 2021 Hightech Zentrum Aargau Brugg

Energy companies, public administrations and other organisations make data available for the development of creative ideas and prototypes.

Energy & Climate Hack

August 31 - September 1, 2021 Swisspower, the British Embassy, Opendata Virtual / Bern

The two-day hackathon to connect young talents from Switzerland and the UK to develop new ideas for decarbonisation efforts.

Energy Hackdays 2020

August 28 - 29, 2020 Hightech Zentrum in Brugg

The Open Energy Data Hackdays 2020 took place on the 28th and 29th of August in the Hightech Zentrum in Brugg.


Pitch presentation. Still *

3 years ago

Concept stage and mockup finished. Gathered ideas to elevate potential user contribution. Pitch presentation in progress

3 years ago