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05_Smart Meter Open Dataset
Build a platform where people can freely donate their energy data to society
What is it about?
Although we all are producing more and more data, access to this wealth of information is becoming increasingly difficult for data protection reasons.
As a consequence, researchers and developers don't have freely accessible, comprehensible, high-quality datasets on individual European households to build their theories, algorithms and applications from.
We want to build a platform where people can freely donate their energy data to society so that science and research can support our energy transition with fair, democratic innovation.
More information will follow soon.
Event finish works only with Smart-Me accounts
we have an app prototype
we can use this repository for the APP:
Prototype to get API working for portal
Pitch presentation. Still *
Concept stage and mockup finished. Gathered ideas to elevate potential user contribution. Pitch presentation in progress
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Energy Data Hackdays 2021
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