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Active projects and challenges as of 18.05.2024 04:33.

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La porte d'entrée de la consommation locale dans la métropole lémanique


L’idée est de développer une plateforme Web (Base des données +site web) dont l’objectif est de «cartographier» tous les acteurs de la production, transformation et consommation alimentaire basés dans la métropole lémanique: organismes de recherche, start-up, PME, grandes entreprises, pouvoirs publics, et acteurs du soutien à l'entrepreneuriat et à l'innovation. La plateforme répertorie les différentes entités et outils ou bases de données de manière dynamique et permet le partage des expériences, la capitalisation des savoirs et le rassemblement des compétences. A développer: - format du site / de la base de données, en collaboration avec AGRIDEA; - critères d'éligibilité pour l'accès à la plateforme en tant qu'entité recensée; - modalités de fonctionnement de la plateforme / base de données.

A faire pendant l'agricathon: poursuivre la construction du squelette de la base de données

Associons l'oenotourisme à l'AR/VR

Proposer une nouvelle façon de découvrir les vins et les vignobles de notre région par le biais de l'AR/VR


Ce projet a pour but de dynamiser les offres d'activités liés au tourisme du vin et à l'apprentissage de la viticulture. Celui-ci serait alors complété par des visuels AR pour permettre aux visiteurs d'être autonome dans leurs balades ou apporter des compléments d'informations plus ludiques, au sein des vignobles de notre région.

En se baladant entre les pierres sèches et les Guérites d'un domaine viticole, les visiteurs pourraient être guidé par une "mascotte" inspirée des hologrammes dont on parle de plus en plus aujourd'hui. Ainsi, différentes explications seraient données. Par exemple : des bulles informatives, des interactions entre les informations présentes sur la plateforme AR et le visiteur, ou même l'activation du son dont la mascotte deviendrait notre guide virtuel.

But de l'Agricathon : déterminer et trouver une plateforme permettant le développement de l'AR moyennant des coûts raisonnables ; recherche d'idées et de mises en applications pour développer la notion de gamification dans l'activité concernée ; trouver une plateforme permettant le développement d'un hologramme par le biais d'un logiciel gratuit ou peu coûteux ; déterminer si le projet est viable.

Projet proposé par Jade Luyet

Burkina Biscuits Process

Création d'un processus de fabrication adapté aux besoins des femmes du Burkina Faso.


Le koura-koura est un biscuit à base d’arachide très consommé notamment au Burkina Faso. Il est réalisé de façon artisanale dans les maisons et vendus sur les marchés. Ces biscuits peuvent être fortement contaminés par des toxines, les aflatoxines, qui sont produites par un champignon lorsque les arachides ne sont pas stockées de façon appropriée, ce qui demeure relativement fréquent malgré des politiques de prévention.

  • Un projet de recherche en cours s’intéresse aux moyens de décontamination de ces biscuits lors de sa fabrication permettant de réduire les risques sanitaires pour la population en cas de présence de ces aflatoxines dans la matière première. Le procédé de fabrication des biscuits et les essais prévus sont représentés dans le diagramme ci-dessous.

  • But de l’agricathon : déterminer les moyens les plus efficaces de communiquer et de voir implémenter ces bonnes pratiques de fabrication le plus largement possible dans les lieux de production de ces biscuits à l’issu du projet

Recherche de profils:

  • Informaticiens
  • Electroniciens
  • Créateurs de contenus dynamiques

Challenge proposé par Lydie Moreau

More doc:

Digital Arbokost

Farmers need tools to help them managing their land's information.




There are a few management tools currently on the market that are used in Valais by fruit growers. The most commonly used is Agroplus, which makes it possible to manage all the plots in terms of phytosanitary applications, fertilisation, land and crop management. This tool is quite functional but unfortunately does not include all the data in order to be able to output the profitability of each plot. In particular, there is a lack of labour costs, the yields of each plot,... therefore very often producers use Agroplus and also keep separately: a global logbook for staff hours, a logbook for plot yields.... It would be interesting to be able to group all these functionalities on a single application where everyone can enter the different variables in order to obtain more easily the profitability of the different plots.

The federal agricultural research stations had created an Excel sheet more or less along these lines a few years ago under the name of Arbokost. It is an interesting program but it was never finalized so not very practical for daily use.

It is clear that we must spend more and more time on administration and it would be interesting to have a complete tool that is easily accessible via natel or tablet in order to optimize the entry of the various data.

Proposed by: Jean-Noël DEVENES

Farming VR simulation

Créer une simulation d'agriculture pour une démonstration ou l'apprentissage


Simulation de Paysagiste // Agriculture

L'idée est de créer une simulation pour faire une vitrine virtuelle sur les métiers de l'agriculture ou pour de la formation d'agriculure durant la saison d'hiver ou alors une application d'apprentissage pour les foyers pour augmenter ses propres connaissances dans le domaine.

Vous aurez à disposition : - un formateur Unity pour les bases - un HTC VIVE

Vous aurez besoin de : - Connaissance de base du C# - Unity Unity 2018.3.6 installé (lien d'installation /!\ peut prendre du temps 15min à 30 min. - Un compte Gitlab (optionnel, mais meilleure efficacité pour le partage de fichier) - Source tree installé (optionnel, mais meilleure efficacité pour le partage de fichier)

Le corps de l'application est : - Définir les interactions dans le domaine de l'agriculture - De trouver quelles interactions on peut retranscrire en réalité virtuelle - De trouver des modèles 3D (gratuit) ou d'en créer

Le déroulement de la journée: - Cours et prise en main de Unity - Définition du domaine et des interactions - Création des interactions / création du contenu 3D.

From Farm to Fork

Designing an improved approach to better connect food entrepreneurs with farmers.


The disconnection between Farmers and Food Entrepreneurs (i.e. micro-brands, restaurants..) is a growing pain faced by both sides that causes missed opportunities, wasted produce and financial losses.

On one hand, farmers are producing what they’re familiar with and what is commonly known to be the highest in demand and price. Yet when it comes to selling, competitive prices dominate the market and farmers can end up with devastating losses after a long season of hard work.

On the other side, Food entrepreneurs are having to find alternative produce to feed their ever growing consumer demands - hemp, hops, khale, all being some of the most popular recent examples. Though finding, connecting and persuading farmers to produce these produce is an uphill battle.

The farm to fork approach should be better designed to help both farmers and food entrepreneurs work together over a shared mission. Demand & Supply for agricultural products should be clearer in order to provide both sides with a mutual benefit. Food entrepreneurs should have a better knowledge of the local market supply to take informed decisions on their product development. Farmers should be informed of the new trends and entrepreneurs needs and have the opportunity to adapt their production and diversify their clientele..

Challenge: Develop a conceptual idea that allows food entrepreneurs and farmers to better connect, assess demand & supply and plan harvesting . Smart apps, urban farms, social networking and other techniques are the modern methods for connecting people in different locations, fields of work and social classes.

supply & demand, foodpreneurs, farmers, food, innovation, networking, food trends, harvest

Le Petit Dapp

A payment systems concept for Le Petit Frigo


A second prototype was developed to investigate the ability to use blockchain-based platforms to provide alternative subscription or payment models for the Le Petit Frigo challenge. See code details below and visit the forum post for background & to leave feedback.


Le Petit Frigo - Blockchain Demo

This repository contains an experimental Dapp quickly created during the Agricathon 2019 in response to the Le Petit Frigo challenge.

Built with Truffle 4 and eth-vue, it consists of a Vue.js frontend with smart contracts written in Solidity, which can be deployed to an Ethereum blockchain. In development, Ganache, Remix IDE and truffle-cli were used.

Demo: Screencast (YouTube)


After cloning this project locally, install Ganache or set up another blockchain for development purposes.

truffle console --network ganache

With a command like above you can start the Truffle console, then enter

migrate --reset --compile-all

If not using Ganache, you'll want to configure the network URLs in app-users/src/libs/mixinViews.js and truffle-config.js

cd app-users

Enter the app subfolder, where you'll also find a README with additional details. Install the frontend dependencies (see additional info):


Then run it:

yarn run dev

Open your browser and play with the Dapp!


Le Petit Frigo

An autonomous self-service store that offers its customers fresh seasonal products for direct sale


"Le Petit Frigo" is an autonomous self-service store that offers its customers fresh seasonal products for direct sale (fruit, vegetables without chemicals, dairy products, bread, eggs from about ten local producers or processors). It represents an alternative to online sales by creating more proximity between the consumer, the products and their producers. However, the operation and management of the store remains difficult and technological solutions to improve the operational part would be of great help to ensure better operation, freeing up time for market gardening production while maintaining its profitability and a low wage bill. More details in the full challenge

Proposed solution

For “Le Petit Frigo” we would like to :

  • Improve the offer and drive consumer appeal and loyalty while integrating sustainable development values.
  • Evolve this concept towards even more autonomous management and improve its management.

A group spent some time to analyse the competitive landscape and to define consumer segmentation. 3 key categories were identified with the senior generation being quite significant even though the Y and Millenial generation present some interest to this type of concept. Proposals such as sharing recipes, announcement of new crops were suggested to rise interest and drive loyalty of our clients. This group made also a SWOT analysis and a Business Model Canva of “le Petit Frigo”, wich are in the point 7. Economical Documentation.

Some IT solutions to facilitate buying experience and mitigate the clients errors were developed by the group :

  • A database of the existing products with their prices has been set up.
  • An interface to record the purchase by category has been developed and will be made available on a tablet.
  • A shopping list is generated and the clients are able to pay either by cash or using Twint system.
  • An extension of this function will be to link this to a digital scale. This will avoid to put all the products in plastic bags and save significant time.

Another idea was to try to optimize stock management:

  • An extension on the existing program was made to allow a management of the stock and send notification when stock is close to zero.
  • Another system was also developed to manage subscription and investigate application to manage volunteering and give responsibility for certain tasks to volunteers in return for compensation.



Martine and Luc Gonvers, fruit and vegetable producers, have developed a concept based on the self-service sale of unlabelled organic products grown on site and sold by them. The concept of the Petit Frigo therefore allows customers to come into the sales area, use the goods they need and pay the amount due directly to the cash register without going through sales staff. Two concepts are at the heart of their project, namely local agriculture and direct self-service sales. The Petit Frigo activity is part of a niche market with good annual growth; the organic Swiss market with a combined turnover of CHF 2.7 billion in 2017. (BioSuisse, 2017) Direct sales, which is defined as an almost total reduction of intermediaries to the benefit of producers, is experiencing significant growth in Switzerland with a 60% increase in farms between 2010 and 2016 reporting direct sales. (USP, 19 January 2018). In this favourable context of a renewal of agriculture towards greater sustainability and proximity, it is a question of how the concept of the Petit Frigo can be optimized, perpetuated and multiplied.


Currently, prices are dictated by distributors (Coop, Migros, Manor, etc.). These intermediaries must realize their margins on the resale of fresh produce purchased from farmers, so distributors exert significant pressure on the purchase prices of agricultural products. The more intermediaries there are, the less margin there is for each of them. Based on this observation, the company "Le Petit Frigo" aims to make its distribution chain as direct as possible by removing as many steps as possible (vertical integration). Thus, a self-service area has been set up; the products are portioned in plastic bags then customers serve themselves on the shelves, make their accounts and pay in cash or by the application twint the amount of their shopping. There is therefore no salesman on site, but the owners can be reached in a certain time slot.

Despite the fact that this system has a number of advantages such as the reduction of intermediaries or the absence of sellers, it has disadvantages such as: - The risk of theft, which represents 10% of turnover. - Without customer-facing sales staff, owners have very little knowledge about their customers. Indeed, they do not know who comes to buy from them, for what amount, how often, for what reasons, etc. - Finally, one of the challenges is to ensure with a very limited staff (2 people) all the logistics, namely production, shelving, sales and warehouse management.


The current concept remains fragile (in terms of operations, customer loyalty and seasonality of the offer). The "Little Fridge" would like to: - Evolve this concept towards even more autonomous management and improve its management. - Improve the offer to better meet customer demand while integrating sustainable development values.

A market study currently being conducted by HES de Sierre since March will make it possible to answer a number of questions, particularly with regard to the external commercial environment, customer segmentation and expectations, and thus propose ways to optimise the concept.

In parallel, the objective of the challenge would be to reflect on technological / digital solutions to be implemented to optimize the autonomous management of the store.


  • Sales tracking: tools to easily record what each customer buys. o Barcode / scan o Touch tablet to record your purchases.

  • Solutions to facilitate shelving and limit the time Luc and Martine spend putting products in their pockets. o Bulk? an alternative? o Platform to manage volunteering and give responsibility for certain tasks to volunteers in return for compensation.

  • Solutions to limit plastic bags usage

Challenge proposed by: Aurélie Besson

My plot in one click

Facilitate access to data of agricultural interest at the plot level


A (agricultural) plot can be characterised by a wide range of information of interest to the farmer, the agricultural adviser, the municipal technician, the employee of a cantonal service or another professional. This information, many of which is geo-referenced, concerns different aspects of the plot (topography, water, soil, etc.). While much data exists and is accessible online (for example:, it is often scattered across several sources (websites, servers), requires skills to access it and requires knowledge to interpret it.

The project aims to provide an online tool that can collect data of interest to agriculture, and present them in an easily readable and accessible form. It should facilitate access to data relevant to agriculture that can be used to characterize a plot.

The Cadastre of Public Law Restrictions on Land Ownership (PLR-cadastre, is an example of a tool (information system), which provides information on the legal, public law limitations that apply to a parcel. Access to the PLR-cadastre can be done via cantonal geoportals, through an interactive mapping interface, for example:

Information on public law restrictions for a plot is presented in a standard layout in PDF format.

The call to the web service "DATA-Extract" in accordance with the instructions of the Federal Office of Topography can be made using the numbering domain identifier (canton and federal municipality number) and the parcel number, and in different output formats, for example (for the municipality of Martigny, parcel 3544):

Result Doc: Presentation:

Register purchases

It must be possible to enter, confirm and transmit purchase data in the field to users.


The cheese buyer on site, i.e. in a cheese dairy, takes care of the cheeses. There can be several different types of cheeses. It must be able to indicate the number of pieces taken over, the purchase price determined by a purchase contract and possibly the weight and the retention of weight according to the progress of the refining process. The seller must be able to receive a confirmation of the sale. The buyer returning to the base will weigh the purchases that have not been made on site and assign a weight for the batch. The buyer must be able to recall his entry and complete it with the weight. He must be able to print a receipt that he can give to the seller when he next takes over. At regular intervals, the buyer must be able to export his purchases to a financial service so that credit notes can be drawn up.

So Nice Pasture !

An adding value for the mountain agriculture thanks to multimedia tools


The only way to maintain our wonderful alpine landscapes is to promote sustainable farming, meaning the grazing of cows on alpines pastures and the milk transformation to typical alpine cheeses or other milk products. In that way Raclette is one of the most famous ambassadors for the cultural and the culinary heritage of Valais.

The current challenge is to raise the consumers awareness and education regarding the present alpine pasture management and the production of Raclette. For this purpose multimedia tools such as video, enhanced reality, dynamic websites are to be explored and used or developed. The key idea is to connect heritage and modernity on one hand, and didactic aspects and marketing on the other one.

The product to develop for this challenge will include : - the description of the message to be delivered in a mobile production laboratory (production processes : modern but respectful of the tradition); - the choice of attractive tools for families and tourists, taking into account the development costs ; - the writing of a base script or scenario; - the design of a scale-model.


Questionnaire to help farmers quickly and accurately diagnose livestock problems.



Application of diagnostic assistance for Swiss farmers. If livestock are sick, they will effectively direct the user to find the appropriate remedy or help alert qualified support (e. g. veterinarian).

Profiles sought: Farmers, Computer scientists, Designers, Economists

Challenge proposed by : Matthieu Delaloye

Waste collector

Creating a platform for centralizing all the forces acting in cleaning the nature


I am looking to develop an application that can list all the actors in the field of litter collection in Switzerland. There are many associations, individuals, events....

I would like to be able to easily find them via a "platform".

The interest would be to also have a kind of agenda with events by region as well as the same attributes as the World Cleanup application which allows to record and geolocate wild landfills in order to eliminate them.

I would like to launch participatory financing when I have the necessary information about its feasibility, real interest and cost.

Challenge proposed by Julien Loutz -



Ce projet a été élaboré le 17 mai 2019 lors du Agricathon (Hackathon sur le thème de l'agriculture) à Sierre, Suisse.

Le but de cette journée était d'élaborer une solution pour l'association "Initiative Région Propre" qui organise des événements de récupération de déchets afin de nettoyer la nature.

Ce site est une proposition simple et efficace qui permet aux utilisateurs intéressés aux événements de ramassage de déchets de trouver les informations nécessaires. Il peut consulter les informations sur les Associations et voir les événements organisés par celles-ci. Il peut aussi voir tous les événements organisés en Suisse romande triés par date

Les données du site sont actuellement écrites en dur, il est préférable d'utiliser une base de donnée dynamique.
