v. 18
Team Sensors & Co.
Durch Datenanalysen: Auffüll- & Zuwachsrate je Glasart, Leerungszeitpunkte, Sensorzustände. Für optimierte Tourenplanung & Prognosen.
People | 6 | Posts | 57 | Dribs | 50 |
Event finish
README update (@Clebek)
Glasstypes Sensor Analysis
In this document we analysed the sensors of every glass type (white glass, green glas, brown glas) according to their quality (good quality -- green, middle / medium quality -- yellow, bad quality -- red, broken sensors -- lilac (@Evoli8)
deleting duplicated files (@Clebek)
restructuring (@Clebek)
added some comments. semms finished... (@Karakeen1)
added data quality of device data (@Karakeen1)
Map of how quickly the container clusters fill up (@egglia)
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Clebek/openhackSG_glasmuell (@Karakeen1)
typo (@Karakeen1)
Braunglas Sensoranalyse
Data for Braunglas was extracted from this website: https://daten.stadt.sg.ch/explore/?q=Füllstandsensoren&disjunctive.modified&disjunctive.publisher&disjunctive.theme&disjunctive.keyword&sort=modified
Calculations and coding el (@Evoli8)
Weissglas Sensoranalyse
Data for Weissglas was extracted from this website: https://daten.stadt.sg.ch/explore/?q=Füllstandsensoren&disjunctive.modified&disjunctive.publisher&disjunctive.theme&disjunctive.keyword&sort=modified
Calculations and coding el (@Evoli8)
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Clebek/openhackSG_glasmuell (@Clebek)
fuellraten daten (@Clebek)
optimized folium map with a proper period where data is available (mid 2020) also only use workinghours (@Karakeen1)
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Clebek/openhackSG_glasmuell (@Karakeen1)
Grünglas Nan % Value per device id
Here an additional analysis took place to inspect the different qualities of charge ids. In addition, the nan % value for each charge id was found. (@LisaKathi)
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Clebek/openhackSG_glasmuell (@Karakeen1)
added folium with time slider (@Karakeen1)
Big Analysis for Grünglas NaN time segments
Here NaN time segments are defined for each device id (@LisaKathi)
typo (@Karakeen1)
added all jupyter notebooks (@Karakeen1)
Merge branch 'main' of https://github.com/Clebek/openhackSG_glasmuell (@Clebek)
new notebook (@Clebek)
Max und Minimaler Füllstand in Millimeter (@egglia)
linreg function added (@Clebek)
gitignore update (@Clebek)
data folder added (@Clebek)
Entleerungszeitpunkte für Braunglas als CSV (@egglia)
notebook fix (@Clebek)
data exploration (@Clebek)