This challenge is awaiting approval from an organizer.


Slow Food

Ladan Pooyan-Weihs, HSLU


Slow Food strives to preserve traditional and regional cuisine and encourages farming of plants, seeds and livestock characteristic of the local ecosystem. It was the first established part of the broader Slow movement.

In turn, a "Slow Data" movement has already been proposed. Some thoughts on this here and here.

The association encourages farming of plants, seeds and livestock characteristic of the local ecosystem and eating of seasonal and local products. Our daily mobility and eating habits have a huge negative impact on our global and local environment. Eating non-seasonal products requires flying and driving vegetables, fruits and meats from all around the globe. This habit has both environmental (e.g. CO2) and local economic impacts.

Even though most citizens are aware of this problem, they have no incentive to change and sometimes even lack information on alternative behaviour. To all those who say, " I love good foods", our challenge is to make people aware of the environmental and health impacts, and come up with alternatives (i.e. instead of telling them “stop eating exotic thing from other places"). This goal could be achieved by:

  • Visualise the energy-use and/or CO2 balance of a recipe.
  • Show local and global ingredients, create basis for comparison.
  • Suggest recipes with seasonal and local ingredients.

Data sources

A number of publications exist at with data available from studies and reports from around the world such as the Ark of Taste and Slow Food Almanac. The international association could be approached with ideas for possible reuse of such datasets.

At users can choose a convivium e.g. Geneva - and find a list of restaurants, groceries, etc. cooking and selling regional, seasonal products according to the Slow Food manifesto. We can contact the association and ask for a data export (Typo3 CMS) - as currently their Impressum forbids reuse of the content.


A variety of apps have already been developed such as Slow Food Planet, Osterie, Slow Wine, Slow Fish.

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