Project: #21 resilience in the tourism industry
#SUMMARY: The tourism industry is one of the most vulnerable industries in face of crises, be they international or local, economic or politic, ecological or sanitary. Still the industry at large lacks preparedness, plans and reflections to react fast and adequatly to the ever changing conditions it has to react to. The project proposes a website exposing a 3-tier approach to awareness, collaborative innovation and community building to help the different actors of the industry to build a resilience and innovation oriented mindset as well as develop pro-active strategies to mitigate identifiable risks.
#GOAL: A web-based tool helping different actors to:
- visualize clearly their risks and likely options in case the issue would occur
- start an own risk evaluation, mitigation and innovation process, recognizing their weaknesses and their potentials
- collaboratively develop pro-active strategies to mitigate identifiable risks within the industry
- identify the underlying common challenges posed by the different risks and the corresponding overall response strategies
- find the right frameworks for three different types of approaches
- making complex information easily understandable
- it helped to go through the different risks types and how they would affect the different actors to get a sense of the general strategy
- Borrowing problem solving from another discipline ( the diagnostic tree) helped to develop an adapted visualization
- the chance and challenge of an online event is that it allows to do several things in parallel, but it makes difficult to manage the tasks of the team members.
- deepen the risk/ actors /challenges/ opportunity matrix
- precise the "tree" visualization principle and how many layers of information the visualization allows
- precise the risk prepardness & innovation canvas
- define the right community building & collaboration tool ( ex. Policy Kitchen?)
- conceptualize and realize the web platform, communicate, initiate collaboration etc...
- Stephanie Zundler
- Quyen Duong
- Maud Châtelet
- Wenwen Zhao
#OUR CHALLENGE OWNER ARE: Mik Häfliger from graubuenden.ch
- https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lHOLA1g=/
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mmm7bjsdvO46maB6POYZ42VxJ0AEQhtKORu9VqdwQM8/edit#gid=0
- https://tourismhackdays2021.slack.com/files/U01UJ7UQETZ/F01V2HTJ43Y/htr_nr_3__vom_11._februar_2021.jpg
- https://tourismhackdays2021.slack.com/files/U01UJ7UQETZ/F020008EUGL/htr_nr_8_vom_22._april_2021_seite_11112_das_gespr__ch.pdf
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7771910/
- https://www.gaiadiscovery.com/planet/covid-19-pandemic-five-ways-of-becoming-resilient-in-tourism-business
- https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/bitstream/handle/10986/34348/Rebuilding-Tourism-Compet[…]ience-to-the-COVID-19-crisis.pdf?sequence=5&isAllowed=y
Tourism Hackdays 28./29. April 2021
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