08 - Load shifting to incentivize renewable energy
How much CO2 emissions are attached to your electricity consumption?
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The composition of electricity production (renewable / non-renewable) as well as electricity imports fluctuate in time. Using electricity in the right moment may potentially help to incentivise the production of renewable energy.
Presented by https://aliunid.com/
The Challenge
- Analyze the causal relationships between time of energy consumption and impacts on energy production
- Create a metric according to which electrical load can be shifted to set the right incentives towards more renewable energy
- Investigate what such a metric means in practice, i.e. in case of e-vehicle charging
Data Sets available
- ENTSO-E electricity production data (https://transparency.entsoe.eu/)
- Swissgrid Import/Export data (https://www.swissgrid.ch/de/home/operation/grid-data/generation.html)
- CO2 emission factors per production type and country (https://drive.switch.ch/index.php/s/RIixVBbccBwLGAy)
- E-charging dataset 1 (shared via Slack)
- E-charging dataset 2 (shared via Slack)
Energy & Climate Hack
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