Cool urban spaces
Application to formulate and realize suggestions to improve climate and living conditions in your neighborhood - Make your city cool again!
This project is based on challenge 09 (initial idea): https://hack.opendata.ch/project/759
Our goal is to realize a web application where citizens can express and rate suggestions on how to improve urban open spaces (de: urbane Freiräume) throughout Switzerland in terms of the city climate and general living conditions - may the spaces be public or private. The initial idea was focused on suggestions concerning urban heat including infrastructure elements. However, the concept of suggestions to improve the neigborhood can easily and intuitivly be expanded to include suggestions about social and ecological topics in general.
The application will be map and postal address based, where users can add suggestions, such as shade structures (tents), bright colored benches, trees, water points and green facades, represented by different icons, to a specific location and be able to see and participate in active suggestions in their neighborhood. A mockup has been created and can be seen in the header slides.
The application has the goal to facilitate active discussion between the users around the presented ideas and to enable direct action to be taken. It's is similar to "Züri wie neu" which in turn is based on FixMyStreet, mySociety's map-based reporting platform for citizens. But while "Züri wie neu" is about common street problems this new application prototype focusses on proposals in/for urban spaces including private spaces like playgrounds in settlements.
For that purpose, users can rate suggestions and comment critically or constructively. Users can decide to support a certain suggestions, which means they will actively collaborate and work for that suggestion to be further developed and implemented. A chat function between supporters could facilitate the organization and would be the first point of contact for new supporters.
One crucial part of implementing a suggestion is to convince the owners of the respective land - private or public - or at least reach them out or even get their permission. However ownership is often opaque, which is why we strive to integrate features that allow the users to identify the owners of the respective piece of land and contact them.
This is a non-trivial problem due to the lack of available data and services which seems to be related to lay - but that's not the only reason: There seems to exist a lack of digitalization and user-orientation in survey cadastre and land register!
Our approach at the moment is to work with the API of the Swiss Public-Law Restrictions cadastre (de: ÖREB-Kataster) which at least contains contact addresses and phone. However this information is only available about the responsible land register offices which mostly only give ownership information after personal request through phone or e-mail at most. This contact information could be provided or a contact form could potentially be implemented.
This application must be privacy preserving and should be implemented based on open source software and open data, in particular OpenStreetMap data as well as Open Governement Data e.g. from the City of Zurich and Swisstopo.
For more info about the challenge visit 👉 https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/CoolUrbanSpaces For more info about data and services on OpenStreetMap (OSM) see 👉 https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/OSM (especially useful also for challenge 2, 5, 6 and 8).
Source code back end: https://github.com/lbuchli/cool_urban_spaces_backend
Watch video of our presentation:
Cool City
This project has been created for the Opendata Hackaton 2021 by Felix Reiniger, Lucas Buchli, Fabio Zahner, Remo Steiner, Jurek Müller under the lead of Stefan Keller.
Project Description by Stefan F. Keller
The goal of the mobile/web application is to formulate and rate citizen suggestions on how to improve public and (semi-)private urban open spaces throughout Switzerland in terms of the city climate and general living conditions. The initial idea was focused on suggestions concerning urban heat including infrastructure such as shade structures (tents), trees, water points and green facades. However, the concept of suggestions to improve the neigborhood can easily and intuitivly be expanded to include suggestions about social and ecological topics in general.
The application is map based, where users can add suggestions, represented by different icons, to a specific location and be able to see and participate in active suggestions in their neighborhood. A mockup has been created and can be seen in the header slides.
The application has the goal to facilitate active discussion between the users around the presented ideas and to enable direct action to be taken.
For that purpose, users can rate suggestions and comment critically or constructively. Users can decide to support a certain suggestions, which means they will actively collaborate and work for that suggestion to be further developed and implemented. A chat function between supporters could facilitate the organization and would be the first point of contact for new supporters.
One crucial part of implementing a suggestion is to convince the owners of the respective land (private or public) or at least get their permission. However ownership is often opaque, which is why we strive to integrate features that allow the users to quickly identify the owners of the respective piece of land and contact them. This is a non trivial problem due to data availability and concerns of data privacy. Our approach at the moment is to work with the API of the Swiss Katasteramt. However there information is only available about the responsible land register offices which mostly only give ownership information after personal request. Contact information could be provided to supporters or a contact form could potentially be implemented.
This application is similar to "Züri wie neu" (mySociety's popular map-based reporting platform), but includes proposals in/for urban spaces. It must be) privacy preserving and is (will be) implemented based on open source software and open data, in particular OpenStreetMap data as well as Open Government Data from the City of Zurich and SwissTopo.
For more info about the challenge visit https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/CoolUrbanSpaces For more info about data and services on OpenStreetMap (OSM) see https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/OSM
GitHub Repository for Backend Code: https://github.com/lbuchli/cool_urban_spaces_backend
Final Project Presentation: Google Slides
Repository updated
Joined the team
Repository updated
Event finish
Joined the team
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:underwhelmingToaster/coolUrbanSpaces (@lbuchli)
WIP Fix post request
Cleanup & request on startup (@nighty34)
Joined the team
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
implement toJson
Fix merge conflict (@lbuchli)
Fix get
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (@nighty34)
remove comments
Background color (@Stonibtw)
Fix typo (@nighty34)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Implement select marker
jsonencode implemented (@underwhelmingToaster)
Joined the team
improved post/get error messages
added top icon
api fix no.1
navigator.pop after added suggestion
lol was
Fix things (@nighty34)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Use a provider to update markers
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (@underwhelmingToaster)
added viewSuggestion.dart and general improvements
Changed Icons (@Stonibtw)
cleanup (@underwhelmingToaster)
uhh add suggestions with long tap
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Make code work (@nighty34)
Finished Form & added getExampleSuggestions (@underwhelmingToaster)
Implement getallSuggestions (@nighty34)
Implement api requests for suggestions
Energy & Climate Hack
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