
💡 This page shows projects by categories, if they were assigned.

Challenge 3

Energy of Buildings

Thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT) soon every device in our home will be creating data, about itself, about the environment, about us. At previous open data events we learned to create our own sensors and "open up" the data in various devices. Let's see what we can do with the next generation of open IoT data! Have a look at projects tagged energy and hardware in the wiki.

Energy of Distribution

Inefficient storage and transmission of electricity and fuels is a massive drain on the planet's resources. Open markets and smarter uses of data from a diversity of players will create an ecosystem where we have a chance to take what we need, and only use what we take. Intelligent systems that uses algorithms and the latest data science can make the difference not only in terms of cost savings, but also in preventing blackouts and maximizing the potential of electric transportation. This is a relatively unexplored area so far in the Swiss open data community, closest models for it being perhaps some of the projects in the finance area.

Energy of Production

Electricity and other power sources are central to the economic and political landscape of energy. We need to know where the energy comes from, even if it's the sun blazing on our own solar panels - and for that, we need open energy data. Connected with open data from other areas, like environmental and economic data, we have a real chance to impact the future of sustainable energy. This is a relatively unexplored area so far in the Swiss open data community, though several research projects have aggregated these kinds of datasets.

Energy of Transport

Everybody knows the ways we move people and goods are critical uses of the planet's energy resources. Transportation is a big area of interest for the open data community, and projects in this category can innovate by accelerating the best data from both worlds. This has been an active area of development in the Swiss community too - take a look at projects tagged 'transport' in the wiki.


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