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Active projects and challenges as of 18.02.2025 22:16.

Blockchain pilot Vienna

Open Data Change Protocol and Notarization


Open Government Wien has developed one of the first public sector Blockchains: a platform based on blockchain technology, with which one can check whether datasets of the city of Vienna existed at a certain time and whether they have been altered. The city seeks to improve the quality and reliability of the city’s Open Government Data and is experimenting with Blockchain in order to gain experience and explore broader implementation opportunities. This pioneering usage of blockchain for open data archiving is of interest for the community, and members of the project team (Brigitte Lutz) will be keynoting & running a workshop track at the conference.


Excel for Deep Learning


We are building a new platform that makes advances in deep learning much more accessible, enabling people to go from data to AI solutions effortlessly. An earlier version of the project was demoed at the Open Food Data Hackdays in Lausanne, and we are working on making this platform super easy to use with open data. Sign up to the beta at, talk to Oleg at the conference or @syllogismos on Mattermost if you have any questions.

MeteoSchweiz Wetterdaten

Real-time weather data from MeteoSwiss will now be published on the geo portal, and available as open data.


Die Echtzeit-Wetterdaten der MeteoSchweiz-Bodenstationen werden neu auf dem Geo-Portal des Bundes publiziert und ab Sommer 2018 auch als Open Data verfügbar sein. Es handelt sich dabei um die Parameter Temperatur, Feuchte, Niederschlag, Wind, Sonnenscheindauer, Strahlung, Schnee und Druck. Die über 30 echtzeit Datensätze der Meteoschweiz sind Visualisierbar unter und in bälde unter unter auch beziehbar.

The real-time weather data of MeteoSwiss ground stations will now be published on the geo portal and will also be available as open data from summer 2018. These parameters are temperature, humidity, precipitation, wind, sunshine duration, radiation, snow and pressure. The more than 30 real-time data records of Meteoschweiz can be viewed at and will soon be available at


A web app for data donation in a project on credit scoring


"When applying for a loan, mobile phone contract, or even trying to rent an apartment in Germany, the Schufa score - Germany’s credit rating - is decisive. If you have a few „points“ too little, your application is refused. (Computer says „No“ to your new smartphone or apartment.) However, the calculation of these credit scores - done by the private Schufa company - is fully intransparent. The formula is a trade secret, and as such not open to the public. We want to change this intransparency with the project OpenSCHUFA. Together with AlgorithmWatch we want to reconstruct the Schufa algorithm with „reverse engineering“.

If you are interested in adapting this to Switzerland, see our recent blog post for details, and fork our source code. Members of the project (Walter Palmetshofer) will be participating at the conference to answer questions on site.


OpenStreetMap als Open Educational Resource


Hilf mit, Schülerinnen und Schülern offene (Geo-)Daten mittels freien Unterrichtsmaterialien zugänglich zu machen. ist ein Projekt zur Förderung offener Karten im Unterricht, sei es in digitaler Form im Browser und auf mobilen Geräten oder in gedruckter Form. Sowohl die Karten und Karten-Daten als auch die Lehr- und Lernmaterialien dazu werden als Open Educational Resource (OER) bereitgestellt, so dass jeder zu ihnen beitragen, sie frei (auch ausserhalb des Unterrichts!) nutzen und weitergeben kann und darf.

Join in to make open (geo)data available to pupils through open educational resources (OERs). is a project for promoting and facilitating the use of open maps in education, be it digital in the browser and on mobile devices or printed on paper. Both, maps and underlying data as well as the educational resources will be made available as OER, so that everyone can contribute to them and use and distribute them freely (also out of class!).

Rupert le nutritionniste


Rupert is a chatbot that coaches you in different nutrition challenges as eating less meat or eating more fruits and vegetables. Rupert only speaks French, but he's funny.

This is the chatbot project that began as Jarvis the Nutritionist at the 2017 Open Food Hackdays


To successfully wrangle your data, you need adequate tools.


A website to support data literacy classes and workshops, which makes suggestions of tools useful for each stage in the School of Data pipeline of data wrangling. is a community curated site which you can edit online, or use a form to send in suggestions. It aims to build upon prior efforts like and

More background can be found on the homepage and forum thread.

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  1. Use to learn more about data wrangling, and follow learning links to community resources.
  2. Suggest new tools or learning resources: send in a suggestion or pull request.
  3. Use the toolbox in a classroom project, tell us about it, or invite our coaches in for a Data Expedition.

Water Fountains

A community-driven water fountain map: Vision, challenges, and plan


Gitter chat

Wikidata and OpenStreetMap are two of many platforms that host valuable open data. However, the practical value of this data for the general public can be amplified by orders of magnitude if the data can be served to the public in an accessible way (for example with a mobile application).

The application is designed in a way that encourages users to contribute their knowledge. Thus, the data collection and curation community is strengthened, leading to a self-reinforcing process. We explore the potential and challenges of this vision with a Web application for finding and learning about water fountains in the city of Zurich. In the long term, the application will be extended to other categories of public objects.

The project is open source under the GNU Affero General Public License, with a profit contribution agreement applying under restricted conditions. It is being developed by Matthew Moy de Vitry with support from MY-D Foundation (Geneva), the Open Data Zürich and Datalets.

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  1. Try out our beta!
  2. Read more about the project
  3. Submit an issue for a feature request, architecture suggestion, or to discuss a modification you have made or would like to make.
  4. To get ideas for how to contribute, you can also check out the issues. Fork this repo and make a pull request.

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