💡 This page shows projects by categories, if they were assigned.
Empower citizens to use their energy data. Using the smartmeter's CII beyond visualisation to steer local consumption.
Energy data has multiple dimensions. Where are the most surprising changes?
Energieverbrauch von Fernwärmeanlagen minimieren, insb. der Einsatz von Spitzenlast-Kesseln (fossile Brennstoffen)
Evaluate and optimize trade-offs in the design of battery storage for PV systems
Lokale Schnittstelle zu Smart Meter inkl. Darstellung auf Web Oberfläche
Know the neighbourhood of your customer
Challenge #14: "Anomaly Detection for Smart Meter Devices" from the open energy hackdays 2020
Weiterentwicklung der BfE-Info-Plattform; «Ich tanke Strom.ch»; Verbesserung der Transparenz
Raise awareness and support global climate goals
Participants are asked to use machine learning in order to identify abnormal consumption from smart meter data.
Using AI to predict how power transformers will fail, and what to watch out for
Energy data are diverse. How do we present them interactively and informatively?
Where solar photovoltaics make the most sense
and the power of open data
Reduce your climate Impact CH